Principal Investigators

Andrade, MiguelComputational Biology and Data MiningJGU, Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution
Amann-Winkel, KatrinX-Ray ScatteringMPI-P, JGU Institute of Physics
Berkemeier, ThomasChemical KineticsMPI-C
Birkner, MatthiasProbability TheoryJGU, Institute of Mathematics
Brinkmann, AndreEfficient Computing and StorageJGU, Institute of Computer Science
Daoulas, KostasSoft Matter ModelingMPI-P
Forero Martinez, NancyCondensed Matter TheoryJGU Institute of Physics, MPI-P
Gauß, JürgenTheoretical ChemistryJGU, Institute of Physical Chemistry
Gerber, SusanneComputational Systems Genetics GroupJGU, Institute of Developmental Biology and Neurobiology
Hanke-Bourgeois, MartinNumerical MathematicsJGU, Institute of Mathematics
Hartung, LisaStochasticsJGU, Institute of Mathematics
Hildebrandt, AndreasScientific Computing and BioinformaticsJGU, Institute of Computer Science
Kaus, BorisGeophysics and GeodynamicsJGU, Institute of Geosciences
Kremer, KurtPolymer TheoryMPI-P
Lemke, EdwardSynthetic Biophysics of Protein DisorderJGU, Institute of Molecular Biology
Lukáčová, MariaNumerical MathematicsJGU, Institute of Mathematics
Miltenberger, AnnetteTheoretical Cloud PhysicsJGU, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Moulas, EvangelosMetamorphic ProcessesJGU, Institute of Geosciences
Palberg, ThomasExperimental Soft MatterJGU, Institute of Physics
Schmid, FriederikeCondensed Matter TheoryJGU, Institute of Physics
Schmidt, BertilHigh Performance ComputingJGU, Institute of Computer Science
Spichtinger, PeterTheoretical Cloud PhysicsJGU, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Ranocha, HendrikNumerical MathematicsJGU, Institute of Mathematics
Stelzl, LukasBiomolecular ModelingJGU, Institute of Physics
Tost, HolgerEnvironmental Modelling in the Climate SystemJGU, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Wand, MichaelVisual ComputingJGU, Institute of Computer Science
Weil, TanjaSynthesis of MacromoleculesMPI-P
Wirth, VolkmarTheoretical MeteorologyJGU, Institute of Atmospheric Physics

Former PIs

De Siena, LucaVolcano SeismologyUniversity of Bologna
Everschor-Sitte, KarinCondensed Matter TheoryUniversity of Duisburg
Mazzucchelli, MattiaMineral PhysicsUniversity of Lausanne
Nikoubashman, ArashCondensed Matter TheoryLeibniz Institute of Polymer Research & TU Dresden
Speck, ThomasCondensed Matter TheoryUniversity of Stuttgart