Julia User Group

Julia is a relatively new programming language, especially designed for high performance and commonly used for numerical analysis and computer sciences. The Julia community at JGU Mainz has grown in the past few years and users can come together to the platform Julia User Group to learn, discuss, contribute, and exchange knowledge on its capabilities.


The Mainz Institute of Multiscale Modeling (M3ODEL) provides a platform for everybody interested in Julia - both people new to Julia and people having worked with Julia for years.

If you'd like to join the Julia User Group, let us know. To access the information we share, go to:

Our meetings shall provide opportunities to learn something new and to discuss all issues related to Julia. Thus, we will start with a presentation from our group. Afterwards, we will have time for open discussions.

Meetings Schedule:

Our meetings shall provide opportunities to learn something new and to discuss all issues related to Julia. Thus, we will start with a presentation from our group. Afterwards, we will have time for open discussions.

Place: Seminar Room 05-432 (Hilbertraum), Staudingerweg 9, 55128 Mainz

Time: Monday, 2024 Jan. 08, at 16:00
Speaker: Hendrik Ranocha
Title: "From high-level code to low-level performance optimizations"

Time: Monday, 2024 Feb. 05, at 16:00
Speaker: Thomas Berkemeier
Title: TBA

Time: Thursday, 2024 March 07, at 16:00
Speaker: Hendrik Ranocha
Title: Essential Julia packages and debugging

Time: Monday, 2024 April 08, at 16:00
Speaker: Hendrik Ranocha
Title: Basic performance analysis and optimization

Time: Monday, 2024 May 13, at 16:00
Speaker: Boris Kaus
Title: TBA

Time: Monday, 2024 June 10, at 16:00 – Change of Room: 05-136 in Staudingerweg 9!!
Speaker: Evangelos Moulas
Title: TBA

Time: Monday, 2024 July 01, at 16:00 – CANCELED

The series will resume after the summer break in October, with biweekly meetings starting on October 31, from 12:15 to 13:45, in the Hilbertraum 05-432, Staudingerweg 9.


We will announce the following meetings later on. Please contact M3ODEL or Hendrik Ranocha for more information.